Page 8 - Olchfa - Secondary Prospectus Autumn 2024
P. 8


                                               WELLBEING OF PUPILS

                                               CEFNOGI LLES


                                               Safeguarding  |  Diogelu

                                               The safeguarding of pupils is the highest priority of the school.
                                               Every adult in the school is trained in safeguarding and we
                                               have a clearly understood referral system where concerns are
                                               addressed quickly. We take the prevention of bullying seriously
                                               and use our ‘CHAT’ team (Confidentiality, Honesty, Advice, Trust)
                                               of peer mentors to help resolve conflicts and promote positive
                                               relationships. All pupils can speak to any member of staff at
                                               Olchfa, and be listened to, if they have any concerns.

                                               Organisation of Pupils for Learning

          “Provision for pupils                Trefniadaeth Disgyblion ar gyfer Dysgu
          with additional learning
          needs is a notably strong            Pupils are organised into year groups and mixed ability forms. They
          feature of the school.”              are generally taught in their form group for the majority of lessons.
                                               There is some ability setting in iCalculate and iThrive. Each pupil
          Estyn 2018                           has a Form Tutor, who they see every morning during Registration.
                                               Each year group also has a Learning Leader, who has responsibility
                                               for overseeing the academic progress of pupils within their year.
                                               The year group also has an allocated Pastoral Guidance Worker to
                                               support the Learning Leader in the pastoral care of pupils.

                                               Pastoral Support  |  Cefnogaeth Bugeiliol

                                               In addition to their form tutors, pupils are supported by an
                                               excellent pastoral team including Pastoral Guidance Workers,
                                               Learning Coaches, Key Stage Managers and a Pupil Welfare
                                               Officer. The team works alongside other agencies and the
                                               Education Welfare Service to ensure that our pupils are supported
                                               to remain engaged with learning and to achieve excellent
                                               outcomes. We strive to work in partnership with families and have
                                               a Family Engagement Officer within our team.

                                               Additional Learning Needs
                                               Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol

                                               Olchfa is an inclusive school and we work hard to ensure that all
                                               pupils are able to access the curriculum and make progress in their
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